Thursday, July 15, 2010

Redwine Lake, Georgia

My colleague in Georgia was kind enough to invite me to his private lake for an afternoon of fishing before our meetings with Delta. It was hot and blue bird after the heavy rains they received Monday but we still managed to catch some fish. I had a great time and am thankful for the opportunity. Thanks Keith!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Old Hickory with M & M

Had a great time today on Old Hickory Lake with my youngest daughter and her husband. We met by I-40 and Hwy 109 @ 7:15 and launched about 7:35 - We fished until about 1:30 PM and all of us caught at least 2-bass. Total was 8 bass and the largest about 2.5#...yes, caught by yours truly, LOL. Overcast most of the day with water temp about 83 (having dropped from 91 due to 3" of rain over the last 36-hours) and ambient temperature about 83. Fish were caught on break lines in 12' with jigs, senko's, Skitter Pops and even Mepps Spinners (SnL). It rained on us the first hour but after that, only the occasional sprinkle. A good day with family on the lake!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday Fishing July 10, 2010

I took off this morning about 9 AM, drove to the Fall Creek Falls Lake and was fishing from 10 AM until 4:40 PM. I caught a limit...4-each 1# bass and 1-each 4# bass. Caught 2-on a Strike King KVD Silent Stalker 17' Crankbait, grey with white and red, 1-on a Yum soft platic stick bait, 1-on a blk/blu Zorro Buzza Bug Jig with Zoom Trailer and the #4 bass on Zorro "Dale Hollow" football jig, 3/4-oz.
Perfect! Fished all day, came home to BBQ spare ribs and there's a NASCAR Sprint race on tonight - Sweet!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alex & Addie

My Sister's husband was visited by his Grand Kids this month - Alex & Addie - I took them out on the boat (Center Hill Lake, TN)and taught them to drive - they went from dead still to plane and then each drove about 15-minutes. Great Fun! They're from Arizona and will be making their first trip flying home alone this week.